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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7
oleh Nur Izzi Md Yussof, Ibrahim Atef Ibrahim Adwan, Suzielah Rahmad & Iswandaru Widyatmoko
Penerbit - Penerbit UKM
Kategori - Akademik Am
The structural capacity of asphalt pavement layer depends on many environmental factors. One of these factors is the temperature which serves as a significant contributor to several types of distress. Temperature is an important component of the design since it directly affects the resilient modulus which is considered essential in the asphalt pavement design equation and a significant factor that affects the performance and life span of pavement. This book aims to present asphalt pavement temperature models which can be convenient for Mediterranean climate conditions. Stepwise Multiple Linear Regression, Artificial Neural Network, and Long-Term Memory methods were used to develop the models to predict pavement temperature within several depths and time in the four seasons. In practice, accurate and rapid assessment of pavement temperature field is required to predict pavement responses better or back-calculated moduli to a reference temperature, the implementation of mechanistic pavement design procedures, and maintenance management of the asphalt pavement system. The proposed models aim at cost-effective practices through determining the bond and thickness of the asphalt pavement in proportion to the surrounding conditions, which is reflected on construction, maintaining, upgrading, and expanding the pavement.
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